Ask Alex : Adrenaline Junkie

Just For Fun, Lifestyle
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Hey Alex!

I have a friend who is an adrenaline junkie. She is constantly doing reckless things just to get a rush. She’s like this in every aspect of her life, from how she drives, to the men she dates. If it’s not dangerous then she is bored. I’m worried about her and her safety but don’t know how to make her stop. What should I do?


Seeking Help


Hey Seeking Help!

No doubt it’s scary to see a friend who constantly disregards their own well being while seeking to fulfill a need. 

Your friend’s behavior is no different than those who struggle with drug addiction. Both are seeking a high, so you will need to look at your friend from that perspective. While it’s not as obvious as someone who is actively using drugs, your friend’s behavior is a direct addiction to that adrenaline rush. 

My first concern in this, and one you definitely need to address with your friend, is could her actions potentially cause harm or even death to someone else? For example, you mentioned her driving as one of her reckless behaviors. If this is the case you need to be stern with her, show anger if you have to and let her know how selfish her actions are. She should never put others’ lives in danger.

Feel free to fully and honestly express your concerns over her own life and what could happen.

I would suggest to your friend that she try to seek out a more healthy way to get her high. There are many out there just like her that get addicted to that adrenaline rush and many of these people will compete or take on extreme sports as a hobby. There of course are still risks with these sports but at least they are calculated risks that usually will not involve harm to innocent bystanders.

As for yourself, do not beat yourself up if you fail to reach her. You can only do so much and ultimately her choices are her choices to make and the consequences of her choices are hers alone.




You can check out more of Alex’s advice by clicking here : Ask Alex : I Quit My Job

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Ask Alex : I Quit My Job

Just For Fun, Lifestyle
Advice, Ask, Alex, Behavior, Opinion, relationship, girlfriend, boyfriend, exes, photos, pictures, commitment, compromise

Hey Alex! 

I recently quit my job, like really quit. No notice. I felt that my boss had been treating me badly for a while. Picking apart everything that I did. I was miserable. So when he came in with yet another complaint, I stood up and said not my problem, I quit and I walked out. Any other job I have left, I have always given at least a two week notice. I’m feeling bad for how I handled the situation. Was it wrong of me to just walk out?


Moving On


Hey Moving On!

It sounds like you have always handled yourself in a professional manner in the past and this was more than you wanted to deal with. You hit your limit and are just second guessing yourself because it is against your normal standards.

Truthfully, a person has every right to walk away in a situation where they are being mistreated. This doesn’t just apply to work environments but to every aspect of life.

The cons, which I am sure you are aware of since you normally handled leaving by giving a notice, are that more than likely you have squashed any chance of a reference from that job and also burned your bridge should you ever want or have a need to return.

My only question for you is, did you quit in front of coworkers? Just as a boss should never fire an employee in front of other staff, it is also in poor taste for an employee to quit in front of fellow coworkers. Some things should be handled in private.

While nothing can be done to change how you handled the situation, if you did happen to quit in front of others, just keep in mind in the future that it is always best to speak with your boss about such matters one on one.

I would recommend to anyone that if at all possible try to be courteous by giving notice. However, if your work environment is hostile or causing you major distress, then there is nothing wrong with getting out of there. You need to do what is best for yourself and your life.




You can check out more of Alex’s advice by clicking here : Ask Alex : Drama Queen

If you enjoy reading Alex’s advice, send in your questions or situations to [email protected]. Each week, Alex will answer a new question or provide some friendly advice on issues we deal with every day. Whether it’s serious, fun, interesting, or you’re just stuck, send in your questions to Ask Alex for a little bit of outside perspective on life.

Ask Alex : Drama Queen

Just For Fun, Lifestyle
Advice, Ask, Alex, Behavior, Opinion, relationship, girlfriend, boyfriend, exes, photos, pictures, commitment, compromise

Hey Alex!

I have a friend who is constant drama. She is always on the verge of a crisis according to her but she does absolutely nothing to fix her problems and just acts like she never said a thing to me to begin with. When her life isn’t in peril she will gossip about all the rumors she has heard about everyone else. She’s actually a really good person and has been a good friend at times but all the negativity wears on me. I don’t know what to do. I want to continue being her friend but I don’t know that I can deal with all the gossip and drama.


Over It


Hey Over It!

First off you don’t have to have any person in your life as a friend if you don’t want them to be there. If it truly is weighing on you too much or affecting your mood or well being just cut ties. Or at least keep your contact to a bare minimum.

If you are wanting to stay in the friendship, you need to set your boundaries. When she starts to gossip, be very straightforward with her and let her know that you really don’t want to talk about other people. You don’t have to give your reasons, just that it is not a conversation you are interested in having.

When it comes to her personal drama you are stuck if you want to continue being friends. Part of being a good friend is listening and being there for one another. So even if you know she is making her life seem overly dramatic, in a friendship it is not really your job to judge but rather to just listen.

So you need to decide if her negativity outweighs the good she contributes to your life. If the negativity does then move on and surround yourself with more positive friends. If her friendship is more important than the drama, make it clear you don’t want to hear about anyone else’s problems other than hers.




You can check out more of Alex’s advice by clicking here : Ask Alex : Moving In Together

If you enjoy reading Alex’s advice, send in your questions or situations to [email protected]. Each week, Alex will answer a new question or provide some friendly advice on issues we deal with every day. Whether it’s serious, fun, interesting, or you’re just stuck, send in your questions to Ask Alex for a little bit of outside perspective on life.

Ask Alex Takes a Week Off

Advice, Ask, Alex, Behavior, Opinion, relationship, girlfriend, boyfriend, exes, photos, pictures, commitment, compromise

Alex will return next week to offer up advice on all of life’s questions!

You can check out more of Alex’s advice by clicking here : Ask Alex : Stressful Life

If you enjoy reading Alex’s advice, send in your questions or situations to [email protected]. Each week, Alex will answer a new question or provide some friendly advice on issues we deal with every day. Whether it’s serious, fun, interesting, or you’re just stuck, send in your questions to Ask Alex for a little bit of outside perspective on life.

Ask Alex : Stressful Life

Advice, Ask, Alex, Behavior, Opinion, relationship, girlfriend, boyfriend, exes, photos, pictures, commitment, compromise

Hey Alex!

Lately I have been feeling the stress. Nothing out of the ordinary, work and home life, but I think with the state of the world it is making it harder for me to cope. It just seems like everything is going badly. I’ve tried all the regular things, like exercise and meditation to deal, but I just keep finding myself overwhelmed. Do you have any tips or advice on dealing with everyday stress?


Over It


Hey Over It!

I think the majority of people are feeling the stress nowadays, and I think you are right, the never ending year that is 2020 is playing a big part in that. 

The first thing you need to do is disconnect from the negativity, even if just for a few days. World events are very important and in the grand scheme of things does affect us all, but following the constant barrage of event after event can wear on the best of us. Stay informed, watch the news, read the articles, but be mindful of how much time you spend doing this and how you are reacting to it. It never hurts to take a break when needed.

Now as far as dealing with life’s stresses that can sometimes add up, I would like to say that the standard advice is exercise, eating right and getting enough sleep. These are all recommended time and time again and for a reason, they work for many people!

But for a more unconventional approach, you have to reset your mind. The truth is that the events surrounding you do not affect you, how you react to them is what causes your stress. You have to reset your way of thinking. Instead of being overwhelmed with tasks at hand, stop and reflect on how tackling the task will offer you improvement. Every task completed is an opportunity to better your life. 

Lastly, make a list of what needs to be done and set your sights on just doing one thing at a time. There is no need to worry about what all is on the list, just focus your time and energy on the one item at hand. Eventually the list will get done. 




You can check out more of Alex’s advice by clicking here : Ask Alex : High School Rumors

If you enjoy reading Alex’s advice, send in your questions or situations to [email protected]. Each week, Alex will answer a new question or provide some friendly advice on issues we deal with every day. Whether it’s serious, fun, interesting, or you’re just stuck, send in your questions to Ask Alex for a little bit of outside perspective on life.

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