Ask Alex : When to say I love you

Advice, Ask, Alex, Behavior, Opinion, relationship, girlfriend, boyfriend, exes, photos, pictures, commitment, compromise

Hey Alex!

When is it too soon to tell someone you love them? I have been dating a girl for several months now and we spend all of our spare time together. I know that I am falling hard for her but I can’t get a read on how she feels. I just want so badly to tell her that I love her but I’m afraid that if she doesn’t feel that strongly for me then it will scare her off. The last thing I want to do is lose her at this point. What should I do?


In Love


Hey In Love!

If you are in love and in it for the long haul then there is no reason that you have to rush to tell your girlfriend that you love her. It never hurts to take your time and let things unfold naturally. Waiting would also allow you time to make sure that these feelings are true and not just from the infatuation of something new.

I would also reflect on why you have the urge to tell her that you are in love. Is it because you simply are overwhelmed with these feelings and need to get them out or are you hoping that she will respond with an I love you in return and validate your feelings and the relationship?

More often than not, when people enter into relationships where there is a connection, things are exciting and new, not to mention everyone is putting their best foot forward. It’s during this stage that emotions can run high and sometimes these emotions can be misleading. Time shows everyone’s true self and will also reveal true feelings.

I would recommend taking a step back from the emotional urges and let everything play out as it will. Try to enjoy each moment together as it happens without adding pressure on yourself or worrying about the what ifs. If the timing is right, the I love you will come naturally.




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